About the Book

In this book, I have described a new string theory capable of constructing a universe with its mass, energy, physical properties, forces, and processes encompassing those of our universe.  A string theory that maybe inferred as " The Theory of Everything" in conventional language of physics and hereinafter termed as the "E-theory".

These strings arise from the physical properties of the universe itself guided by the fundamentals of the theory as compared to classical string theory which is abstract and mathematical and largely incompatible with our physical universe.

In this theory, I have described a universe which is comprised of two spherical, scalar, three-dimensional, quantum scale vacuum objects moving about at the speed of light with left and right handed spins (spin 0 in classical term).  The two spherical, scalar vacuum species which have two distinctively different geometric dimensions in open space form what we know in classical physics as Hilbert space. These two main constituents of the universe decay into two-dimensional strings creating a network of extra dimension objects that form a vector space.  The extra dimension objects in combination with the three-dimensional spherical and scalar species create the fabric of spacetime, encompassing what has been described in classical physics as dark energy, dark matter, and baryonic matter. 

The number of extra dimension objects created as a result of the decay or annihilation of the two spherical three-dimensional species are too large to enumerate.  However, these extra dimension objects are themselves three-dimensional vacuum species which along with the two spherical species fall into four main categories of space dimensions. You will see that our universe makes four space transformations to create these objects which are significantly smaller than the atomic radius or the radius of fundamental particles such as electrons.  A combination of the energy and momentum of these vacuum objects, and the way they interact with one another, create the fabric of spacetime, matter and fundamental particles, and everything the universe contains.  

You will find that what we experience as "mass" including "baryonic mass" is indeed the energy of these strings exiting our universe (the Hilbert space).  In essence, the universe uses its own "space" to sustain the state of "matter".  This vacuum energy will be depleted in about 120B years as the rate of generation falls behind consumption and dissipation of dark energy.  You will see that “time” is intimately connected with the geometric dimension of these three-dimensional, scalar, vacuum species and changes inside energy field of a mass and across various regions of the universe.  That "time" is a coordinate measuring the geometric displacement of these moving quantum spaces as "quantum hops" and imbedded in the fabric of space.  You will learn that what we experience as "temperature" and "thermal energy" is expansion (or contraction) of these strings at quantum scale which is the basis for the dissipative energy we know as "entropy". You will learn that entropy of a blackhole equates to recycling dark energy back into the universe.

The theory presented in this book covers many of the fundamental phenomena that govern our universe, including gravity, electromagnetism, all fundamental forces, introduction of a new force - String Resistance Force which unifies strong and weak nuclear forces, is responsible for the motion of all objects in the universe including dark matter and is responsible for different flavors of electrons and neutrinos in flight. The theory unveils detailed structure of atoms, dark energy, dark matter, blackholes, and a brief overview of the Big Bang.  

I have described detailed structure of atoms, charges, fundamental particles such as electrons, protons, neutrons, photons, Higgs Boson, and magnetic monopoles on the scale of the most fundamental building blocks of the universe, vacuum strings.  The theory unveils the "fuzzy and probabilistic" world of classical quantum mechanics while confirming its essence and accuracy, and expanding it with clarity.

Many existing theories in classical physics including Newtonian physics, general relativity, quantum gravity, special relativity, Schrodinger's equation,  fundamentals of electromagnetism, and many laws in classical physics, are a natural fall out of the fundamental mathematics of this theory.  I have used proven and accepted physical properties of the universe disclosed in classical physics as a means of corroborating the results of this theory chapter by chapter and where appropriate (see E-theory vs classical physics).  The theory verifies itself by not only confirming  proven and existing data and information but by explaining those with no clear answer.

You will find that this theory will address many difficult concepts such as the nature of dark energy and dark matter, quantum entanglement, particle vs wave, blackhole structure, fundamental particles, entropy, and time, just to name a few.  You will learn the significance of the number "137" (or 1/137)  in physics.  You will learn that the two Hubble measurements of 67 and 73 km/s known as "Hubble Tension" represent the expansion rates corresponding to the distinct energy fields of the two scalar quantum vacuum species separated by a rate of about 9% concurrent with our era. 

A striking feature that a reader will find is the simplicity and accuracy by which complex physical phenomena in the universe are addressed using this theory.  The book is riddled with example calculations such as calculating and understanding a blackhole’s entropy, temperature, dissipation rate, calculating the mass and dimension of fundamental particles, entropy of the universe, detailed structure and chirality of Standard Model’s particles, reproducing general relativity and quantum gravity in one equation, understanding dark energy, dark matter, their structure and mass, understanding the relationship between electrons, magnetism, and electromagnetic forces, understanding the true nature of "Time", etc...  

The results presented in this book speak volume to the efficacy by which this theory verifies itself by seamlessly relating universe’s physical phenomena from various fields of classical physics into one comprehensive, cohesive, easy to understand, and all encompassing theory.  

" Do your part .....Be different....or Go home"

-Prof Ray Eshraghi